
Brain Stimulation or Brain Damage? Part 2

© Teeradej Srikijvilaikul | 123rf.com

On Valentine’s Day 1974, British doctors destroyed sections of Derek Hutchinson’s hypothalamus without his consent. Surgeons drilled two holes into his forehead and then sent a wire with an electrical tip deep into his brain. Before the right and left sides of the targeted area of his hypothalamus was burned for thirty seconds each, the surgeon test-stimulated his brain with five to ten volts of electricity to see whether the targeted area of his brain actually controlled emotions, and not pathways crucial to motor functions like walking, talking and breathing. They asked him if he was frightened or angry and he yelled, “Stop it, or I’ll kill you.” Then they proceeded to destroy the targeted areas of his hypothalmus.

As Danielle Egan related in her article, Derek had an hypothalomotomy, a psychosurgery procedure first developed in the 1950s to curb aggressive behavior. Over the next two decades he had repeated overdoses and hospital stays during which he received ECT. At some point, he attacked one of his psychiatrists, but no charges were filed against him. After his wife gave birth to twins, he threatened her with a gun. He met his current wife in a pub and they were married in 1982. He’s struggled with bouts of depression, impotence, insomnia, extreme fatigue and rage since the surgery. “He’s had eight heart attacks, two strokes, has battled anorexia (the hypothalamus also regulates hunger, blood pressure and hormones) and has tried to kill himself seven times.”

An MRI revealed extensive damage to his hypothalamus. They told him “Half of your hypothalamus is gone.” He said that was when he finally woke up. These days Hutchinson is an activist against the use of psychosurgeries and deep brain stimulation (DBS). He thinks psychosurgery should be banned outright and believes mental disorders are caused by an individual’s unique life experiences, and are not a product of a dysfunctional brain.

We must put an end to this immoral, unethical activity being conducted in the name of mental health research… These doctors are guinea-pigging innocent people. These surgeries should never have been invented. They kill the person and they don’t even know they’re not the same person anymore.

There are clear differences between the hypothalomotomy done to Derek Hutchinson and DBS, which seeks to electrically stimulate specific areas of the brain, not destroy them. However, the adverse effects are similar. In another article for Mad in America on DBS, Egan noted that numerous studies have documented serious adverse mood behavior and personality effects. “These include suicide, depression, apathy, fatigue, mania and serious impulse control issues, such as hypomania, aggression, addiction (to gambling, shopping, drugs, alcohol) and hypersexuality, sometimes resulting in criminal behaviour, including pedophilia.” See “Deep Brain Problems” for more on the adverse effects with DBS.

Andrew Scull described the results of two double-blind studies of DBS for depression. The first one by Dougherty et al was prompted by encouraging response rates in multiple open-label DBS trials. But there was not a significant difference in response rates between the active and control groups. “Our results … failed to demonstrate a significant difference between the active and sham-controlled groups during the blinded phase of the study.” Even worse, adverse events were more frequent in the active group than in the control group for worsening depression, insomnia, irritability, suicidal ideation, hypomania, disinhibition and mania.

There was even one completed suicide in the active treatment group. However, it occurred after the person stopped treatment because of a failure to improve and was awaiting removal of the electrodes. “The authors decided that that adverse event did not count!” Notice that the second listed author of this study, Ali Rezai, would later emerge as the lead investigator for the first U.S. clinical trial of DBS for heroin described in Part 1 of this article.

The second trial was conducted by Helen Mayberg and Andres Lozano, who are both well known supporters of DBS, and a couple dozen others. Again, there was no statistically significant difference between the stimulation group and the control group. Scull reported the researchers anticipated those receiving active stimulation would improve twice as much. Both the treatment and the placebo groups improved, but the improvement was slight and not statistically significant.

Thus, once put to a controlled test, the claims for deep brain stimulation as a treatment for depression resoundingly failed. The purely speculative and fanciful biological “theory” of depression on which the intervention rested had not produced the anticipated results.

Then in October of 2019, Mayberg published another DBS study, claiming the procedure was generally safe and well tolerated. “The rate of medical or surgical complications was consistent with the rate observed in studies of DBS for other indications.” Oh, and there were no completed suicides. Yet Andrew Scull pointed out five of the small sample of 28 individuals dropped out after 1, 2, 5, 8 and 11 years. There were 56 adverse events. One patient experienced ten of them and had the electrodes removed after two years and dropped out of the study.

What are we talking about here? Nineteen of the events involved the surgery going wrong in a variety of major ways. Six infections resulted from the brain surgery. Six patients had to have the original device “explanted,” as the authors put it, because the wires caused an infection (3 cases), failed to work (2 cases), or the crude targeting of the device needed adjusting (1 case). Another patient experienced hemorrhage of the cortex and a post-operative seizure. The device failed in 15 cases. There is no further discussion of these iatrogenic disasters, or the suffering they entailed. And then, finally, there were the serious psychiatric sequelae. Fourteen of the twenty-eight patients required re-detention in a psychiatric hospital, one on seven occasions, including five admissions occasioned by suicide attempts.

Despite the above reported adverse events, Helen Mayberg’s assessment of DBS is that it appears to be “generally safe and well tolerated.” Although the DBS studies failed to show any real efficacy with treatment-resistant depression, Mayburg concluded most participants had “a robust and sustained antidepressant response.” Andrew Scull pointed out many of the authors were indebted financially to the medical device manufacturer and that Mayburg owned patents covering the devices in question. Further, he said Mayberg et al “cherry-picked data” for their study. Positive outcomes only appeared when researchers self-assessed the results of their interventions. “Ambitious clinicians let loose in such a situation can easily be carried away by their enthusiasms, and the restraints on experimentation, while stronger than they once were, remain inadequate.”

Scull had a different take on the first-in-the-U.S. clinical trial for treatment resistant opioid use disorder described in Part 1. He pointed out the false impression given by saying the DBS device functioned much like a heart pacemaker. The human brain is not a simple pump. And despite all the progress of neuroscience over the past fifty years, our understanding of it is still primitive. “The idea of a ‘brain pacemaker’ is so ludicrous on its face as to disqualify anyone who uses it.” The analogy appears to rely on the now generally disparaged “chemical imbalance” theory of depression, as evident in the following statement:

By sending a pulsed current through the electrodes, doctors believe they can regulate an imbalance in Buckhalter’s reward circuitry.

Ali Rezai, the doctor leading the clinical trial, readily acknowledged they don’t fully understand how this works. However, they hope that by modulating the rewards circuit, which relies on the chemical messenger dopamine, “you’re getting better control, so you’re not craving dopamine as much.” This suggests DBS for opioid misuse is more explorative and experimental than it is a promising type of treatment. Scull commented: “The prattle about dopamine that he proceeds to utter as a substitute for the scientific evidence we do not possess is an embarrassment — just speculation plucked out of thin air.”

In The Science of Addiction, Carleton Erickson said scientists once held that dopamine was the “pleasure transmitter.” He said this is a simplistic explanation of severe SUD—substance use disorder. Addiction is more than seeking of pleasure or avoiding pain or withdrawal. In addition to the nucleus accumbens (part of the brain’s pleasure or reward system), recent neurobiological findings and theories extend to areas of the brain the modulate meaning and emotional and cognitive memory. “Some drugs appear to be capable of affecting these adjunctive brain areas to transition drugs from pure pleasure to habitual use to severe SUD, where pleasure or pain is no longer important in maintaining drug-taking behavior.”

Reflecting on the continuing pursuit of brain stimulation with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and invasive, deep brain stimulation (DBS), I am reminded of a two-hundred-year-old novel that Mary Shelly anonymously published on January 1, 1818, The Modern Prometheus; or Frankenstein. Shelley told her story within a literary technique known as a frame narrative—a story within a story. In the frame story, Captain Robert Walton and his crew set out to explore the North Pole sometime in the 18th century in order to expand scientific knowledge and hopefully achieve fame. They glimpsed a dog sled driven by a gigantic figure, but it disappeared into the snow. A few hours later, they found a frozen and emaciated Victor Frankenstein, who had been in pursuit of the gigantic creature.

Victor recognizes the same obsession in Walton that drove him to modern laboratory experimentation and creation of the “fiend.” As a warning to Walton, he then recounts the story of his life’s miseries that were a consequence of his obsession. With his last words, he told Walton to seek “happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition.” Let us hope that the pursuers of brain stimulation, particularly DBS, heed that counsel. Experimenting on humans by implanting electrodes into their brain to “treat” their depression or addiction seems like a similar pursuit of ambition over first doing no harm. Hopefully Derek Hutchinson’s life story and its miseries will be heard and give pause to some of these researchers.

Originally posted on February 4, 2020


Brain Stimulation or Brain Damage? Part 1

© WERUSKAK | 123rf.com

Nexstim won FDA clearance for its noninvasive brain stimulation system to treat major depression in November 2017. The Nexstim CEO, Martin Jamieson, said the clearance was a critical milestone for the commercialization of their transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) device in the U.S. Then in February of 2019 the FDA cleared a drastically reduced 3-minute session protocol to treat major depression with Nexstim’s NBT (Navigated Brain Therapy) System. The previous protocol time was 37 minutes. The Theta Burst Stimulation is a newer form of repetitive TMS that allows for stimulation to specific areas of the patient’s brain. “The company believes that the shorter protocol will increase ease of use for the NBT system.”

The new 3-minute NBT protocol was approved based on results from a study of 414 patients with treatment-resistant depression, which found that intermittent Theta Burst Stimulation was non-inferior to high-frequency transcranial magnetic stimulation.

There is also Humm, a transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) device that claims it can improve your cognitive function and memory. “Humm is a wearable patch that gently stimulates the brain’s natural rhythms to strengthen memory.” Neuroskeptic said he was pleasantly surprised with Humm’s reported study, which he said actually looked solid. Although the study was not published, he thought it would pass peer-review. He noted while there is evidence that individually-tailored theta tACS can benefit working memory, other studies show a disruption of working memory. “My point is that, a priori, there is no reason to assume a beneficial effect of this kind of stimulation.”

And most recently, the British government approved Flow, a headset claimed to reduce chronic depression symptoms. The website for Flow Neuroscience claims most users notice a reduction of their symptoms after 3-4 weeks. The device sends a small jolt of electricity through the skull into the prefrontal cortex. Users are instructed to wear the headset for a half-hour every three days over the course of six weeks. Additionally, they are encouraged to use an app, which provides useful tips such as reminders to get enough sleep, eat right and exercise.

The technology, known as transcranial direct current stimulation [tDCS], has been the subject of numerous tests, most of which have found that it provides some degree of relief from depression symptoms. Many have concluded that it is at least as effective as antidepressants, but without the side effects. Thus far, none of the trials have found any adverse effects of such treatment other than reddened skin where the electrodes are placed and the occasional headache. Such treatments have been found to change the potential of neurons—in some cases, making them fire more often, and in others less often. People with chronic depression typically experience less neural activity in the left side of their prefrontal cortex—the mild shocks are meant to increase such activity to match that in the right side. Some of the trial results have even shown that in some cases, mild electrical stimulation can encourage the growth of new neural connections, perhaps reducing depression symptoms permanently.

A study by Clarke et al. reported in the June 2019 issue of the Journal of Affective Disorders investigated the efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in patients with treatment resistant depression and comorbid anxiety. Their study included 248 patients with treatment resistant depression. Of these, 172 also had one or more comorbid anxiety disorders. The researchers found that rTMS therapy showed improvement in depression in patients with major depression alone and those with comorbid anxiety. 39.5% of patients with comorbid anxiety disorders met the response criteria defined in the study and 23.3% met the criteria for remission.

Psychiatry Advisor reported the researchers said: “This study showed that rTMS is equally effective for treating depression, regardless of whether there are comorbid anxiety disorders or not. . . [There] is a role for future research into TMS as a treatment for patients with anxiety conditions without major depression.” TMS or rTMS devices are used typically for treatment-resistant depression and can only penetrate a few centimeters into the outer cortex of the brain. The strength of these devices declines rapidly the farther away the machine is positioned from the scalp. See “Better Living Through Brain Stimulation” for more information on rTMS and TMS.

If you want to target deeper regions of the brain, a more direct stimulation method like tDCS or tACS is needed. tDCS devices are inexpensive and easy to use. They are promoted like patent medicines, able to benefit problems such as: migraine, chronic pain, post-stroke paralysis, Parkinson’s disease, depression, tinnitus, fibromyalgia, marijuana craving and the tendency to lie; and they do not require a prescription. tACS is supposed to reverse the decline of working memory related to the aging brain. See “Jump Starting Your Brain” and “Electrical Psychiatry” for more information on tDCS and tACS.

With deep brain stimulation (DBS), we move to a procedure that requires surgery to implant electrodes into a patient’s brain. Wires connect the electrodes to a device implanted underneath the person’s skin. DBS devices are considered to be a last resort treatment method for conditions like Parkinson’s disease and Tourette Syndrome, and they carry risks of adverse side effects such as mood, behavior and personality changes. These can include suicide, depression, mania and serious impulse control issues, such as hypomania, addiction (gambling, shopping, drugs, alcohol) and hypersexuality. See “Deep Brain Jolts” for more information on DBS. See “Deep Brain Problems” for more information on the adverse effects of DBS.

An odd, unanticipated adverse effect has emerged with DBS. According to The New York Times, DBS electronic implants reduced Parkinson’s symptoms, but they also expunged some patients’ proficiency for swimming. “A lifelong swimmer leapt into deep water near his lakeside home and was horrified to find himself completely unable to swim. Had his wife not rescued him, he might have drowned.” Somehow the signals from the DBS device had deleted his ability to coordinate his arms and legs for swimming.

An article in the journal Neurology by a medical team from the University of Zurich documented nine cases among 250 patients. One of the coauthors said he thought the swimming issue was in a minority of patients, because some are still able to swim and they don’t know why. “We have no clue. They are treated in the same region of the brain. But this is life-threatening, and we need to pay more attention in the future.” In 2015 Australian doctors reported one patient who could not even float with the device turned on. With the device off, he could swim laps. Three other patients with DBS stimulators for Parkinson’s have drowned, but “they did not if the deaths were related to the device.”

Now DBS is targeting addiction treatment and China is emerging as the center for this research. AP News noted how scientists in Europe have struggled to recruit patients for their DBS addiction studies (No surprise, given the above brief description of DBS). In the U.S. there are ethical, social and scientific questions (in addition to the cost of around $100,000 to implant), as well as the adverse effects from surgery. China’s anti-drug laws can force people into years of compulsory treatment, including “rehabilitation” through labor. According to ClinicalTrails.gov, there are now 12 registered DBS clinical trials for addiction being conducted globally, 8 are in China; one each in France, Israel, Canada, and Germany. The trials are primarily for opiate/opioid use and misuse, but there are some for methamphetamine, cocaine, alcohol, and morbid obesity. Some critics believe this surgery should not be permitted.

They argue that such human experiments are premature, and will not address the complex biological, social and psychological factors that drive addiction. Scientists don’t fully understand how DBS works and there is still debate about where electrodes should be placed to treat addiction. There is also skepticism in the global scientific community about the general quality and ethical rigor — particularly around issues like informed consent — of clinical trials done in China.

Dr. Nader Pouratain, a neurosurgeon at UCLA, is investigating the use of DBS for chronic pain. He thought it was time to research DBS for drug addiction. However, only “if we can move forward in ethical, well-informed, well-designed studies.” At least two U.S. laboratories dropped clinical trials of DBS treatment for alcoholism over concerns the study design and preliminary results did not seem to justify the risks. Dr. Emad Eskandar, the chairman of neurological surgery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine said: “The lack of scientific clarity, the important but strict regulatory regime, along with the high cost and risk of surgery make clinical trials of DBS for addiction in the U.S. difficult at the present time.” The FDA blocked an application for a Chinese DBS device for a multi-site, opioid addiction.

In February of 2019, the FDA approved a small, separate trial of DBS for opioid use disorder at the West Virginia University Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute. On November 5, 2019 the Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute announced the launch of the first-in-the-U.S. clinical trial of DBS for treatment-resistant opioid use disorder. The first participant is a 33-year-old man with excessive opioid and benzodiazepine use for more than a decade. The first phase will include 3 additional participants.

ScienceAlert (the article was originally published by The Washington Post) reported Dr. Rezai said he wasn’t advocating DBS as a first line or even a second line treatment. “It’s for people who have failed everything, because it is brain surgery.” He acknowledged that doctors and researchers do not fully understand how this (DBS) works. “The exact mechanisms are not known.” By modulating the reward circuit, which relies on dopamine, “you’re getting better control, so you’re not craving dopamine as much.”

The trial is partly funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). The director of NIDA, Nora Volkow, said she has spoken with a few of the patients who underwent the procedure in China and thought the surgery had promise. She thought the surgery had disrupted the brain’s fixation on opioids. “They reported more of an ability to engage, to feel interest in other things.” She suggested that brain’s fixation on opioids may be disrupted by the surgery. Helen Mayberg, the director of the Center of Advanced Circuit Therapeutics at the Mt. Sinai Medical Center School of Medicine, said the logic of the effort was sound and the circuitry of the targeted area of the brain was well-mapped compared to other regions. “The key question is whether the researchers have found the precise spot for insertion of the electrodes.”

Brain stimulation (magnetic or electric) has been progressively moving from the laboratory to the clinic and even into the privacy of your home. It seems to me that as brain stimulation devices enter the market place, they are being promoted like patent medicines were a hundred or more years ago. Most of the devices are noninvasive, except for DBS devices, which require brain surgery. DBS has been approved and used to treat medical issues such as chronic pain, Parkinson’s and Tourette Syndrome. And now doctors and researchers are trying it with another desperate and vulnerable population—addicts.

There is a growing global opioid crisis and DBS is being researched and promoted as an addiction treatment for individuals who have failed other approaches. But is DBS treatment worth the risk with addiction? DBS supporters like those mentioned here would say yes. The 2019 World Drug Report estimated there were 35 million worldwide who suffer from drug use disorders. More specifically, there were more than 47,000 opioid overdose deaths in the U.S. in 2017, an increase of 13% from the previous year. The number of new psychoactive substances (NPS) that are synthetic opioids rose from 1 substance in 2009 to 15 in 2015 and 46 in 2017, accounting for 29% of the newly identified NPS in 2017.

Currently there are an estimated 180,000 people globally who have DBS devices implanted in their brains. But that would increase exponentially if DBS becomes a more widespread treatment for addiction. Yet Ali Rezai, the executive chairman of the West Virginia Rockefeller Neuroscience Center (where the FDA clinical trial is being conducted) acknowledged they do not fully understand how DBS works. There are serious ethical, social and scientific questions about DBS as well as a variety of adverse effects that result from the surgery. We will examine some of these in part 2.

Originally posted on January 28, 2020.


Better Living Through Brain Stimulation

© Rob Richards | 123rf.com

Electrical stimulation to treat medical conditions is not the new, cutting edge research and treatment one would expect. Besides electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), which originated in the 1930s, there is evidence the ancient Egyptians knew about the electrical properties of Nile catfish. However, it’s not clear if they used them for medical purposes. The first evidence for electrical “treatment” dates from Plato and Aristotle who described the ability of the torpedo fish to generate so-called “curative effects.” Scribonius Largus (1-50 AD) and Galen (130-201 AD) said the torpedo fish could be used to treat headache, gout, and epilepsy.

Today, not only is there ECT, but Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS), Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and more. There are two, perhaps three needed distinctions. First, every type of brain stimulation except DBS is noninvasive—meaning they do not require surgery. DBS surgically implants parts of the stimulation device into the patient’s brain. The second distinction is that tDCS is the only brain stimulation that does not require a physician’s prescription. It is also more affordable and “safer.”

Thirdly, ECT uses very high current levels, around 800 milliamps, to induce an intentional, controlled seizure. For a comparison, tDCS uses a maximum of 2 milliamps. “Due to the severity of the effects produced by Electroconvulsive Therapy, the patient is almost always sedated during stimulation, which lasts for an average of 1 to 6 seconds. The required use of sedation greatly increases the potential, and severity of any negative side effects.” Sedation during ECT is to prevent fractures from severe muscle spasms, according to Peter Breggin in Brain Disabling Treatment in Psychiatry, (p. 242):

For the past 40 and more years, a modified form of ECT had been standard, involving sedation with a short-acting barbiturate, muscle paralysis with a curare derivative or similar drugs that prevent activation of the muscles of the body and artificial respiration with oxygen. The purpose of these modifications was not, as some advocates claim, to reduce memory loss and brain damage. Muscle paralysis was intended to prevent fractures from severe muscle spasms, while the artificial respiration kept the paralyzed patient breathing.

TMS and rTMS are electromagnetic therapies typically used for treatment-resistant depression. Patients sit in a specially designed chair with positioning frames used to hold their head in place during treatment. “Positioning frames are required for TMS therapy because the stimulation apparatus does not touch the individual’s head, but instead hovers just a few centimeters above the scalp.” The key difference with rTMS is the repetitive nature of the magnetic pulses, which is rapidly increased, switching between positive and negative polarities in milliseconds. The increased strength of electromagnetic induction in rTMS may potentially “solidify longer lasting changes in the brain, whereby TMS may only induce short-term changes.” Yet a recent study found no difference in remission rates between rTMS and sham rTMS.

TMS devices can only penetrate a few centimeters into the outer cortex of the brain. Because of the way electromagnetic fields operate, the strength of TMS devices declines rapidly the farther away the machine is positioned from the scalp. So, if targeting deeper regions of the brain is what you want, a more direct stimulation method like tDCS is needed. tDCS devices are available for home use. However, because of the complex nature of the technology and the need for precise positioning of the electrodes, it is recommended they only be used within clinical settings. Another consideration is that you are sending an electric current, albeit a low one, to modulate neuronal excitability in a specific area of your brain.

An article in Psychological Medicine gave a brief history of tDCS, and noted the 20th century discovery in Iraq of the “Baghdad battery,” a DC generator dated from the ancient Persian civilization (490 BC). It was possibly used for medical purposes. It wasn’t until the 1800s that a DC battery was invented by Luigi Galvani. His nephew, Giovanni Aldini, was the first person to use DC for clinical purposes. A 27-year old farmer was treated for melancholy madness (major depression). “The patient’s mood progressively improved so that Lazarini [the patient] was apparently completely cured several weeks after the beginning of the treatment.”

It wasn’t until 1998 that modern tDCS was developed. Technological innovation has enabled electronic and biomedical engineers to build “precise tDCS devices with better control of stimulation parameters” than older devices—and do so at reduced costs. This led some people to experiment with self-administering tDCS and sometimes having tDCS touted as a ‘miracle device.’ However, even the receptive authors of the article on tDCS cautioned against such media attention. They urged careful, neutral presentation of data to the public. “Sensationalistic news about the benefits of tDCS leads people to self-administer stimulation, as we can see in some Internet do-it-yourself tDCS forums.”

tDCS devices are inexpensive and easy to use. There are even YouTube videos of individuals experimenting on themselves. Dan Hurley published an article for The New York Times, describing the history and science of tDCS as well as his personal experience with it. He described the work of Dr. Felipe Fregni, an Associate Professor at Harvard. He has written extensively about the potential benefits of tDCS, including its effects on “migraine, chronic pain, post-stroke paralysis, Parkinson’s disease, depression, tinnitus, fibromyalgia, marijuana craving and, strangely enough, the tendency to lie.” Dr. Fregni said the main safety concern is that individuals have begun treat themselves: “What they fail to realize is that applying too much current, for too long, or to the wrong spot on the skull, could be extremely dangerous.” See “Jump Starting Your Brain” for more information and concerns with tDCS.

While not technically tDCS, the FDA recently approved a new cranial electrotherapy stimulator (CES) for the treatment of anxiety, depression and insomnia. The Cervella Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulator uses a Bluetooth-enabled set of headphones and an app to deliver a low-level, constant current to the individual’s cranium. According to the parent company, Cervella allows for automated recoding of treatment data, reminders and analytics aimed at improving patient outcomes. You also need a prescription in order to purchase one for the cost of $695.

Another form of electrostimulation called transcranial alternating-current stimulation (tACS) recently demonstrated the possibility of reversing the decline of working memory that comes with the aging brain. After 25 minutes of stimulation, the researchers found a rapid improvement in working memory for adults aged 60 to 76 years-old. The effects outlasted a 50-minute post-stimulation period. “The results provide insight into the physiological foundations of age-related cognitive impairment and contribute to groundwork for future non-pharmacological interventions targeting aspects of cognitive decline.”

Working memory is responsible for decision-making and allowing us to retain and access information such as names, phone numbers, and where we’ve put things. Age and cognitive deterioration in disorders like dementia contribute to the decline of working memory. The hypothesis tested by this study is that working memory operates by slow, low-frequency theta rhythms synchronizing with faster, gamma rhythms between the prefrontal and temporal areas in the brain. When these two areas are on the same wave length, “communication is tight, and working memory functions seamlessly.” As we age, these brain areas lose their synchronicity.

Interestingly, when a targeted form of tACS stimulation (HD-tACS) was used on participants, the age-related synchronization discrepancies disappeared. “HD-tACS appeared to eliminate age-related impairment in working-memory accuracy.”  In a related test, young adults with poor working memory received the HD-tACS stimulation and also improved their results. “We could boost their working memory even though they weren’t in their 60s or 70s.”

Neuroscientists, including the lead author of the study, cautioned that more work needed to be done with HD-tACS. The boost in performance may be statistically significant, but not clinically significant. This is also only one study so far. “I’d like to see this replicated by other labs, and extended to test other aspects of working memory.” STAT News said for HD-tACS stimulation to become a treatment for working memory deficits, “it would have to overcome a long list of hurdles, starting with proof that it’s safe.” Regardless of whether this experiment results in practical applications, it does provide evidence of the differences in working memory with older adults: “Brain circuits become functionally disconnected and fall out of synchrony.”

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is an entirely different animal. A preliminary surgical procedure implants part of the device into a patient’s brain. Wires connecting the electrodes to the device, and sometimes the device itself, are implanted underneath the skin’s surface. DBS is a relatively new technique and considered to be a last resort treatment method, as are TMS and ECT. There are immense risks to DBS and currently it is only used to treat severe neurological conditions like Essential Tremor, Parkinson’s Disease, Tourettes Syndrome, and Dystonia. Long-term studies of Parkinson’s patients treated with DBS have shown they have DBS-related scar tissue in their brains. There have also been serious mood, behavior and personality changes documented.

These include suicide, depression, apathy, fatigue, mania and serious impulse control issues, such as hypomania, aggression, addiction (to gambling, shopping, drugs, alcohol) and hypersexuality, sometimes resulting in criminal behaviour, including pedophilia.

And by the way, they aren’t quite sure how it works. See, “Deep Brain Jolts” and “Deep Brain Problems” for more information on DBS.

None of the above-described methods of brain stimulation should be used at home without a prescription or the supervision of a doctor, including tDCS and tACS. There are potential serious adverse effects for some procedures like ECT and DBS. Better memory and living through brain stimulation is still a future hope and may just be a pipe dream. For more on issues with electrical brain stimulation, also see “Electrical Psychiatry.”