
Is Adult ADHD the Latest Fad Diagnosis? Part 2

Photo by Tara Winstead: www.pexels.com

Dramatic increases in ADHD diagnoses and prescriptions for ADHD medication noted in Part 1 are not just happening in the U.S. BBC Scotland claimed, “The number of adults receiving an NHS prescription for ADHD had increased seven-fold over the last 10 years.” Data obtained from Public Health Scotland indicated 26,000 patients were prescribed ADHD medications in 2022/23. Almost half were adults. The number of adult prescriptions rose steadily from 1,603 in 2013/14, to 5,920 in 2019/20, and then doubled to 12,182 by 2022/23.

Although ADHD content on social media platforms like TikTok contributes to the current problem of over diagnosis, it didn’t create it. In Saving Normal, Allen Frances, who was the chair for the DSM-IV, said until the mid 1990s ADHD medications had been off patent for decades and could be purchased generically for pennies a pill. There was no advertising to patients or marketing to doctors. Then several newly patented—and expensive—medications ADHD medications came to market. And then drug companies were given the right to advertise to consumers.

The blaring propaganda message was the usual—ADHD is extremely common, often missed, and accounts for why Johnny is a behavioral problem and isn’t learning in school. “Ask your doctor.” Armies of eager sales reps filled the offices of pediatricians, family doctors, and psychiatrists peddling a pill that would magically prevent classroom disruptions and solve home meltdowns. Parents, teachers, and physicians were recruited in an all-out effort to identify and aggressively treat ADHD.

PsychCentral listed the top 25 psychiatric medications in 2020. The top three most expensive medications, making the most money for their manufacturers, were all ADHD medications: methylphenidate (Concerta, $3.28 billion), lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse, $3.01 billion), and amphetamine/dextroamphetamine (Adderall, $2.35 billion). Adderall had the fourth most prescriptions written with 26.24 million, Concerta was 10th with 18.55 million prescriptions, and Vyvanse was 20th with 8.64 million prescriptions.

Dr. Frances Levin of Columbia University, an internationally recognized expert in adult ADHD, said: “It’s difficult to get a clear picture of how many individuals in this country fit a clinical definition for ADHD, when there are no U.S. guidelines for diagnosis and evaluation of ADHD in adults.” Practice guidelines currently exist only for childhood ADHD. She thought both underdiagnosis and overdiagnosis of ADHD are happening. The American Society of ADHD and Related Disorders (APSARD) recently appointed a special committee to write guidelines for adult ADHD in the U.S. Dr. Levin co-chairs the committee. Her understanding of the rise in overdiagnosis is dramatically different than Dr. Frances.

She said in the early 1990s, there was a belief that ADHD diminished with age as well as concern in the scientific community about the validity of diagnosing ADHD in adults. “Then in the 1990s, the increase in diagnoses of childhood ADHD led to greater public awareness.” More adults recognized and reported symptoms in themselves and adult ADHD was added to the DSM-IV in 1994. Older psychiatrists, she said, weren’t schooled in evaluating and treating adults with ADHD; and now younger clinicians don’t get much training or experience with this population. The creation of uniform standards will address a critical need for healthcare providers and patients.

In Saving Normal, Dr. Frances there was no real reason to think that the prevalence of attentional and hyperactivity problems has actually increased. “We now diagnose as mental disorder attentional and behavioral problems that used to be seen as part of life and of normal individual variation.” He suggested six contributing factors to the increase of diagnosing childhood ADHD. There were: wording changes in DSM-IV; heavy drug company marketing to doctors and advertising to the public; extensive media coverage; pressure from parents and teachers to control unruly children; extra time on tests and extra school services if a child had an ADHD diagnosis. “And finally, the widespread misuse of prescription stimulants for general performance enhancement and recreation.”

Unchastened by the false “epidemic” of ADHD already running rampant among kids, DSM-5 has set the stage for creating a new epidemic of ADHD in adults. As usual, the experts worry so much about missed cases, they fail to consider the much greater risk of overdiagnosis. Attentional problems and restlessness are nonspecific and extremely common among normal adults and in those suffering from any of the other mental disorders. The easy path to adult ADHD suggested by DSM-5 will mislabel many normal people who are dissatisfied with their ability to concentrate and get their work done, especially when they feel bored and don’t like the work they’re doing. It will also misdiagnose those whose problem in concentrating is really caused by something else—e.g., substance abuse, bipolar disorder, depression, all the anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders, and many others. No one should ever get diagnosed or treated for adult ADHD until all of these are first ruled out as the primary cause—lest inappropriate stimulant treatment may worsen their already existing psychiatric problems.

He went on to say adult ADHD was already too easily diagnosed. Symptoms are mostly subjective and based on self-perceptions of poor concentration and task performance. “The DSM-5 lowering of requirements will capture many adults who want to be sharper but don’t have specific or serious enough problems to qualify for a mental disorder.” He said fake adult ADHD would be common in college students, in people with demanding jobs, and in those who struggle to stay awake, like long-haul truck drivers. Remember that Allen Frances was the chair for the DSM-IV.

An article by Allen Frances on Psychtherapy.net thought the numbers given for the prevalence of current adult ADHD were absurdly high. In the general population, the current rate for adult ADHD is reported to be 4.4% (5.4% for males and 3.2% for females). He thought the best guide was that by Keith Conners, considered to be the father of the ADHD diagnosis. Conners thought the rate of childhood ADHD was around 2-3% and about half that number in adults. Frances then gave the following as reasons for the overdiagnosis of adult ADHD.

Almost all mental disorders and almost all substance addictions can perfectly mimic ADHD since they can cause its two classic symptoms — hyperactivity and trouble focusing attention.

  1. Real or imagined attention problems are a very common complaint among perfectly normal people.
  2. Getting an ADHD diagnosis is a gateway to legal speed — desired for performance enhancement, all-nighters for school tests or work assignments, recreational purposes, or for sale into the extensive secondary ADHD pill market.
  3. Careless diagnosis and prescribing by MDs.
  4. An inevitable consequence of overdiagnosing ADHD in kids is overdiagnosing ADHD in adults.
  5. Promotion via drug companies and social networking.

Frances said the risks of overdiagnosing ADHD in adults were:

  1. Meds used for ADHD are usually quite harmful if the person’s symptoms are due to another psychiatric disorder that has been missed — especially bipolar disorder, depression, schizophrenia, eating disorders, or anxiety disorder.
  2. Overdiagnosis of ADHD results in over-medication with drugs that cause harmful side effects and can lead to or worsen addiction.
  3. There is now a huge secondary market for ADHD meds, especially on college campuses.
  4. There is also a nationwide shortage of ADHD meds for patients who really need them — because the meds are so often prescribed for those who don’t or diverted to the illegal market.

His bottom line was that most of what looks like adult ADHD is not adult ADHD. Most of it is normal behavior, sometimes caused by another psychiatric or medical problem or substance use. ADHD drugs are not safe unless carefully used for accurately diagnosed ADHD. Frances thought it was past the time to stop the adult ADHD fad before it gained more traction.

Easy access to legal “speed” has created a large illegal secondary market of diverted pills. ADHD drugs have become the campus recreational drug of choice at parties and the performance-enhancement drug of choice for all-nighters during finals week. Legal speed can cause many medical and psychiatric adverse effects, and emergency room visits for complications are skyrocketing. The Drug Enforcement Agency and the FDA are now trying to contain the epidemic — but their efforts are too little/too late. The adult ADHD fad will be stopped only if clinicians and patients fight against its seduction and insist on more careful diagnosis and cautious treatment.

Writing for Psychiatric Times, Mark Ruffalo and Nassir Ghaemi noted in “The Making of Adult ADHD” that twenty years ago, the consensus view in American academic psychiatry was that ADHD rarely persisted into adulthood. Now, adult ADHD is the “diagnosis du jour.” The rates of diagnosis and the prescriptions for the psychostimulant drugs that treat them are skyrocketing. They thought adult ADHD was a case of disease mongering, rather than psychopathologists and psychiatric nosologists missing the disorder for more than a century. Along with Allen Frances, they also associated the rise in diagnosis of adult ADHD to marketing by the pharmaceutical industry.

The rise in diagnosis of adult ADHD fully coincides with marketing by the pharmaceutical industry when Eli Lilly and Company got the first US Food and Drug Administration indication for this label with atomoxetine (Strattera) in 1996. Since that date, many academics have been promoting the concept of adult ADHD. The adult ADHD market has become a multibillion-dollar industry, with the rise of digital companies specializing in online diagnosis and treatment—some of which have come under legal scrutiny.

They noted retrospective studies, (that look backwards to determine if cases of childhood ADHD continue into adulthood), commonly find 50% to 60% of childhood ADHD persists into adulthood. “However, these data are disproven by prospective studies, which repeatedly show that about 80% of children with ADHD do not continue to have that diagnosable condition, followed prospectively either into young adulthood or even for 33 years into their fourth decade of life.” Ruffalo and Ghaemi don’t think that adult ADHD is a scientifically valid diagnosis. They don’t mean that the symptoms don’t exist. Adults do have problems with attention, concentration, focus, memory and other related abilities. However:

What we mean is that these symptoms have not been shown to be the result of a scientifically valid disease (adult ADHD) and are better explained by more classic and scientifically validated psychiatric conditions, namely diseases or abnormalities of mood, anxiety, and mood temperament.

They concluded the history of psychiatry shows the field has been vulnerable to a host of diagnostic fads. “Adult ADHD is the latest of such fads, and a careful review of the scientific literature reveals that the range of ADHD-like symptoms in adults is more accurately explained by other empirically validated psychiatric disorders.”


Is Adult ADHD the Latest Fad Diagnosis? Part 1


WebMD has an article on statistics and facts about Adult ADHD, where it estimated adult ADHD affects more than 8 million Americans, with many of them not knowing it. “Several studies suggest less than 20% of adults with ADHD are aware they have it. And only about a fourth of those who do know are getting treatment for it.” Supposedly, every adult with ADHD had symptoms during childhood; and more than 60% of children with ADHD will still have it as adults. This begs the question, why don’t more adults realize they have it?

WebMD said adult ADHD can affect careers, relationships and other aspects of daily life, costing the U.S. economy up to $138 billion a year in lost income and productivity. It tends to occur with other mental health issues, like anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder. “Symptoms of adult ADHD can be mistaken for those conditions.” WebMD seems to presume ADHD is the primary disorder or cause. But what if it is the reverse? Psychiatrist Allen Frances thinks adult ADHD should not be diagnosed until these and other psychiatric problems are first ruled out (see Part 2).

Although researchers don’t know what causes ADHD, it runs in families. Forty percent of children with ADHD have at least one parent with symptoms. “If you have relatives with ADHD, you’re four to six times more likely to have it yourself.” This article ends with a link to the next article, “Do You Have ADHD?”, which then links to, “ADHD Medications and Side Effects.” If you’ve persisted in following the tidbits on adult ADHD, to this point, you’ll read how “Medication is an important part of your ADHD treatment.”

Another source, saying many of the same things, is the CDC, which in “Research on ADHD,” referred to ADHD as a serious public health problem that effects a large number of children and adults. The reader will learn that the criteria used to diagnose ADHD have changed over time. “This has led to different estimates for the number, characteristics, and outcomes of children with the disorder.” Although the exact causes of ADHD are not known, research show that genes play a role, with other factors contributing or making symptoms worse.

This led to the conclusion that there are many unanswered questions about ADHD and how it affects people throughout their life. In “Data and Statistics About ADHD” the CDC used datasets from parent surveys and healthcare claims to understand diagnosis and treatment patterns for ADHD. Concentrating on children, the CDC reported there were 6 million children between 3 and 17 (9.8%) ever diagnosed with ADHD. Many children with ADHD (64%) had at least one other mental, emotional or behavioral disorder. About half had a behavior or conduct problem (52%).

A national parent survey in 2016 reported 62% of children currently with ADHD were taking ADHD medication and 47% received behavior treatment. About 30% were treated with medication alone; 15% received behavior treatment alone. Around 32% received both medication and behavior treatment. And about 23% with ADHD received neither medication treatment nor behavior treatment. Not surprisingly, the American Psychiatric Association reported in November of 2019 that a study, Chung et al, found adult ADHD diagnosis increased 123% between 2007 and 2016.

Chung and colleagues suggest the increase in ADHD among adults may partly reflect an increasing awareness among health care professionals and the public of ADHD in adults. The study authors also address the misuse of ADHD medications particularly among adult-aged students to boost academic performance, noting that “diagnosis seeking to obtain stimulant medication for nonmedical use may be more common among white vs nonwhite patients.” The study found adults who identified as students were at highest risk of ADHD diagnosis.

Chung et al speculated that this increased risk of diagnosis in students could be due to some individuals seeking diagnosis and treatment for the purposes of “cognitive enhancement” with ADHD medications. They said pharmacological cognitive enhancement with prescription and illegal stimulants among individuals not diagnosed with ADHD has been increasing. There has been to be an concern about cognitive enhancement with ADHD medications among college students for some time. See, “Academic Steroids.”

In a related, but nonacademic article, the Guardian described how some tele-health startups have received criticism for their aggressive and misleading advertising campaigns. “These companies offer evaluations in as little as 30 min with no wait lists and prescribe medication, sometimes including controlled stimulant medications like Adderall and Ritalin.” The startups took advantage of an emergency provision established during the pandemic that permitted healthcare providers to prescribe controlled substances (like ADHD medications) via tele-health. While there are guidelines for diagnosing and treating ADHD in children, “There are no guidelines in the US about how to diagnose adult ADHD.”

The CDC reported that while the prevalence of adult ADHD did increase in recent decades and continued during the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a notable upturn during 2020-2021. Improved access to ADHD care through tele-health during the pandemic “introduced the potential for inadequate ADHD evaluations and inappropriate stimulant prescribing.” The significant increase in adults receiving prescription stimulants during the COVID-19 pandemic “draws attention to the need for clinical practice guidelines for ADHD in adults.”

The Guardian noted that the US medical system can’t serve all the people seeking diagnosis and treatment for ADHD, “and social media is filling in those gaps.” This increased demand contributed to an Adderall shortage that began in October of 2022. See, “Bad Things Could Happen with ADHD and the Adderall Shortage.”

A psychologist in Seattle who conducts adult ADHD evaluations said she thought TikTok accounted for at least 50% of her current requests for intakes. Supporting her estimation, a study in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, “TikTok and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder,” found that 52% of the most popular TikTok videos about ADHD were misleading if used to determine if you have ADHD.

TikTok videos with titles like “5 signs you have ADHD” and “5 things ADHDers hate,” are driving a lot of interest around adult ADHD. They list symptoms like daydreaming, swaying to avoid things while walking or picking skin for hours. Some videos have disclaimers, informing viewers that they should not replace medical advice, some are from users who list medical credentials, or are from people who have been diagnosed – but it’s not clear how credible each video is.

According to a psychiatrist who specializes in diagnosing and treating ADHD, the average, normal adult has two or three of these so-called “symptoms.” The DSM-5 diagnosis for ADHD requires at least five ADHD diagnostic criteria or symptoms, and those must cause “significant impairment” in at least two settings, like work and home.

TikTok videos facilitating people getting diagnosed for adult HDHD is an alarming trend. The psychologist in Seattle said she was frustrated when patients come to her because they’ve seen some TikTok videos and are hoping to “understand themselves better.” Some of these patients complain she is “invalidating” their experience when they don’t get the ADHD diagnosis they expect. She’s fearful these “patients” are putting pressure on an already overloaded medical system. The trend raises the question if these TikTok videos have led to more people believing they have adult ADHD, how valid of a diagnosis can it be? More on this in Part 2.



Weighing the Risks with ADHD Medication

© sangoiri | 123rf.com

Did you know that millions of children in the US have been diagnosed with ADHD? The CDC said in “Data and Statistics About ADHD,” that the number of US children diagnosed with ADHD increased from 4.4 million in 2003 to 6.4 million in 2011. It decreased to 6.1 million in 2016. Sixty-two percent of the children diagnosed with ADHD are taking medication. And yet, the prominent Harvard psychologist Jerome Kagan believes ADHD is an invention.

Kagan made this claim in a 2012 interview with Spiegel, when he was asked if he was saying ADHD was just an invention, he said: “That’s correct; it is an invention.” Every child who does not do well in school is sent to a pediatrician who then says: “It’s ADHD; here’s Ritalin.” The neurologist Steven Novella said in “The ADHD Controversy,” that such a characterization was irresponsible. He acknowledged the fact that ADHD is a fuzzy clinical entity, but said progress has been made in understanding what is happening in the brains of most people with ADHD.

The current consensus is that ADHD is a deficit of executive functions. The frontal lobes carry out many critical functions, some considered executive functions: they include being able to focus your attention, maintain focus, switch among tasks, filter out distractions, and impulse control. Executive function includes the ability to weigh the probable outcomes of your behavior and then make high-level decisions about how you will behave.

He went on to say that convergent data from neuroimaging, neuropsychology, genetics and neurochemical studies point to the involvement of a part of the brain known as the frontostriatal network contributing to the pathophysiology of ADHD. “At this point there is no reasonable disagreement about the fact that ADHD is a disorder of brain function.” He referred to an article by David Tuller, whose concerns were more nuanced than Kagan’s. Tuller interviewed Richard Scheffler, co- author of The ADHD Explosion with Stephen Hinshaw. He said the issue was a spike in ADHD diagnoses, not that ADHD was an invented disease.

ADHD is real—it’s not made up. But it exists on a continuum. There’s no marker or white line that says you’re in the “definite” or “highly likely” group. There’s almost unanimous agreement that five or six percent clearly have enough of these symptoms for an ADHD diagnosis. Then there’s the next group, where the diagnosis is more of a judgment call, and for these kids, behavioral therapy might work. And then there’s a third group, on the borderline. These are the ones we’re worried about being pushed into an inaccurate diagnosis.

Scheffler said the research done for their book found that in general, there was a relationship between the rates of ADHD diagnoses and changes in the 1990s with how many states budgeted schools. Money was provided based upon the number of students making positive movement towards performance measures like graduation rates and test scores. Then in the early 2000s, President Bush tied federal dollars to the same kind of budgeting for performance. “We were able to show that these moves were highly correlated with spikes in various states in the diagnosis of ADHD.”

In an opinion article for The New York Times, Hinshaw and Scheffler said that unless we were careful, we faced an epidemic of 4- and 5-year-olds being wrongfully told they have ADHD. Their research showed skyrocketing ADHD diagnoses, especially among the nation’s poorest children. Their research data seems to reflect that reported above in the first paragraph by the CDC in “Data and Statistics About ADHD.”

For example, we found that in public schools, A.D.H.D. diagnoses of kids within 200 percent of the federal poverty level jumped 59 percent after accountability legislation passed, compared with under 10 percent for middle- and high-income children. There was no such trend in private schools, which are not subject to legislation like this.

By the age of 17, nearly one in five American boys and one in ten girls will be told they have ADHD. This is a 40 percent increase over the last ten years and double the rate of 25 years ago. They see this leading to more prescriptions despite the guidance from organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics that behavioral therapy, not medication, should be the first-line treatment for children under 6. Accurate diagnosis requires reports of impairment from home and school, and a thorough child and family history to rule out abuse or unrelated disorders. “Too many kids are identified and treated after an initial pediatric visit of 20 minutes or even less.”

The CDC data indicated 77% of the children diagnosed with ADHD between the ages of 2 and 17 were receiving treatment. Thirty percent were treated with medication alone; 15% received behavioral treatment alone; and 32% received both. Around 23% were receiving neither medication nor behavioral treatment. approximately 5 in 10 children with ADHD also had a behavior or conduct problem; 3 in 10 with ADHD had anxiety. Seventeen percent were said to be depressed and 14% had autism spectrum disorder.

So there seems to be a problem with accurate diagnosis and overdiagnosis of ADHD leading to medication treatment. What are the implications of these diagnostic problems? And what are the long-term consequences for the children who are medicated?

A Norwegian article, “Drug Treatment of ADHD—tenuous scientific basis,” said that recent systematic reviews indicated there was a weak evidence base for the use of methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta) when treating children and adolescents with an ADHD diagnosis. The authors began with an examination of the MTA study (Multimodal Treatment Study of ADHD), stating it was crucial to understanding the current state of knowledge on ADHD treatment. The MTA study showed a reduction in ADHD symptoms in the medication groups at 14 months. But that significance disappeared over the next two years.

After six years, participants in the MTA study who received behavioral therapy but no medication had lower rates of anxiety and depression. The latest results were published in 2017, 16 years after the start of the study. After evaluating the data, the conclusion of the researchers was that the long-term use of central nervous system stimulants was associated with a suppression of adult height, on the average of 1-2 cm. But there was no reduction in ADHD symptoms. 

There is no doubt that children with ADHD have genuine and serious problems. However, we cannot ignore the fact that research has yielded only weak evidence to support the extensive use of medication that occurs today. This state of affairs should trigger renewed public and expert discussion on the pharmacological treatment of ADHD in children and adolescents.

There was a further investigation of participants in the MTA study, this time of adolescents and young adults without childhood ADHD: “Late-Onset ADHD Reconsidered.” The purpose of the study was to investigate an influx of adolescents and young adults who present at clinics with complaints of inattention and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity complaints and inquire about stimulant medication. “It remains unclear whether this trend is driven by typically developing individuals seeking stimulant medication for cognitive enhancement or by individuals with late-onset ADHD that warrants medical treatment.” The results indicated that when assessing adolescents and young adults for first-time ADHD diagnoses, clinicians should obtain a thorough psychiatric history and assessment of current functioning.

After using a diagnostic procedure that considered multi-informant data, longitudinal symptoms patterns from childhood to adulthood, Co-occurring mental disorders and substance use, 95% of the individuals who originally screened positive for late-onset ADHD were excluded from diagnosis. When assessing adolescents and young adults for first-time ADHD, 53% of adolescents and 83% of adults who met all the late-onset criteria for ADHD were excluded because their symptoms “were better explained by heavy substance use or another mental disorder.”

SAMHSA, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, noted in “Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Substance Use Disorders” studies that have found adults with ADHD are more likely than their peers without ADHD to develop a substance use disorder (SUD) sometime in their lives. One large epidemiological study found that 15.2% of adults with ADHD also met the criteria for an SUD, compared to 5.6% of adults without ADHD. Research has also indicated that as the severity of ADHD increases, so may the SUD risk. “In a recent analysis of data from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, each additional ADHD symptom before age 18 was associated with a greater lifetime chance of developing substance dependence.”

Much of the research into the misuse of prescribed stimulants has been with college students. College students were found to misuse Dexedrine and Adderall more than other prescribed stimulants. According to the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, the nonmedical use of Dexedrine and Adderall has risen among college-aged adults and adults 26 and older. Between 4 and 20 percent of college students have used a prescription stimulant without having a legitimate prescription in the past year, typically obtaining the medication from friends who either sell or give their medications away. “Roughly a third of college students with ADHD report that they have sold or given away their medication at least once.” See the following chart.

So, what are the risks with ADHD medications? There are problems with diagnosis and concerns of overdiagnosis, particularly with poor children (See “Demolishing ADHD Diagnosis”). After 2 or 3 years the positive effects of ADHD medications seem to disappear. Long-term use seems related to a suppression of adult height. There appears to be an association between ADHD and an increased risk of SUD. At least one study concluded there is weak evidence for the use of Ritalin and Concerta when treating children and adolescents with an ADHD diagnosis. ADHD was said to be a “fuzzy clinical entity” by a neurologist who believes ADHD is a disorder of brain function.

Web MD said the side effects and risks from long-term use of ADHD medication include: heart disease, high blood pressure, seizure, irregular heartbeat, abuse and addiction, and skin discolorations. Although it’s rare, ADHD medications may be tied to mental health issues like aggression and hostility; and some say they developed symptoms of bipolar disorder. “The FDA has also warned that there’s a slight risk that stimulant ADHD drugs could lead to mood swings or symptoms of psychosis—like hearing things and paranoia.”


National ADHD Epidemic

© kentoh | stockfresh.com

© kentoh | stockfresh.com

The CDC published a study that found 11% of school-aged children in the U.S. between 2003 and 2011 had received an ADHD diagnosis. This statistic meant that 6.4 million children, 1 in 5 boys and 1 in 11 girls, were said to have ADHD. A different CDC report indicated the American Psychiatric Association (APA) estimated in their 2013 edition of the DSM, the DSM-5, that only 5% of children have ADHD. The rates of ADHD diagnosis are increasing over time, from an average of 3% per year between 1997 and 2006, to 5% between 2003 and 2011. The prevalence of children between the ages of 4 and 17 diagnosed with ADHD varied widely by state. In 2011, the lowest reported rates were in Nevada (5.6%); the highest rates were in Kentucky (18.7%). In contrast, the percentage of children diagnosed and medicated for ADHD in France is less than half of one percent—.5%!

You can see the CDC reports cited above here, here and here.

Writing for Psychology Today in 2012, Marilyn Wedge noted in “Why French Kids Don’t Have ADHD,” how the difference seemed to turn on how ADHD was conceived. In the U.S. ADHD is seen as a biological disorder with biological causes. So the go-to treatment method is stimulant medications. Dr. Wedge also pointed that French psychiatrists did not use the DSM system to diagnose childhood emotional problems. Instead they used an alternative classification system that focuses on the underlying psychosocial causes of a child’s symptoms.

French child psychiatrists, on the other hand, view ADHD as a medical condition that has psycho-social and situational causes. Instead of treating a child’s focusing and behavioral problems with drugs, French doctors prefer to look for the underlying issue that is causing the child distress—not in the child’s brain but in the child’s social context. They then choose to treat the underlying social context problem with psychotherapy or family counseling. This is a very different way of seeing things from the American tendency to attribute all symptoms to a biological dysfunction such as a chemical imbalance in the child’s brain.

She commented that the holistic, psychosocial approach of the French allowed for the possibility there could be nutritional factors that worsen ADHD symptoms. “In the U.S., the strict focus on pharmaceutical treatment of ADHD, however, encourages clinicians to ignore the influence of dietary factors on children’s behavior.”

Psychiatrist Robert Berezin commented on Wedge’s report saying that it seemed American boys had contracted some contagion that spread ADHD exponentially. More seriously, he went right to the heart of the problem: if ADHD rates are so drastically different between the U.S. and France, how can ADHD be a brain disease? “Yes there can be symptoms of hyperactivity and concentration. But it is created by psychosocial causes, not biological ones. And the treatments should be appropriate to the cause.” He concluded that the French situation showed that so-called ADHD was a psychosocial problem, not a brain disease.

So if we accept this conclusion, where does this leave us in America with regard to ADHD and the aftermath of decades of conceiving and treating it as a brain disease? A recent investigative report by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and MedPage Today pointed out several areas of concern. First is the increase in the diagnosis of Adult ADHD. Twenty years ago ADHD was rarely diagnosed in adult Americans. Now, 1 in 23 adult Americans, around 10 million people, are said to have ADHD. And there has been a fourfold increase among adults 26 and older who use Adderall recreationally.

The reporters cited a 2010 study where 22% of the adults tested for ADHD had exaggerated their symptoms. This finding underscores how college-aged adults increasingly use ADHD medications as  “study aides.” A 2013 study found wastewater samples collected near college dormitories in Tacoma Washington were eight times higher for amphetamines during final exams week than during the first week of classes. Although FDA adverse events indicated there were more reports for children, the adults were reporting more serious adverse events. “Adults accounted for just over one-third of reports, but made up more than half of all hospitalizations and 85% of deaths.”

Experts question whether adult ADHD is truly a widespread condition that needs treatment with the array of FDA-approved prescription medications. A medical historian, Nicolas Rasmussen, was quoted as saying that amphetamines are grossly overused; and that “the streets are awash with Adderall.”

Drug companies counter that ADHD is a real and treatable medical condition that effects millions of Americans. Charles Catalano, a spokesperson for Shire, which manufactures two ADHD medications, Vyvanse and Adderall, said the drugs have been approved by regulators around the world and are safe to use. “Our medications are proven to be effective when used according to prescribing practices of a licensed, trained health care professional.” A spokesperson for Novartis, the manufacturer of Ritalin, said it has been used safely and effectively for more than 60 years. “If used inappropriately, the results could be serious, just like with the misuse of any other medication.”

The DSM-5, published in 2013 by the APA, relaxed the criteria for diagnosing adult ADHD. Previously adults needed to have six of nine possible symptoms. Now they only need five of nine symptoms. Seventy-eight percent of the panel of experts who approved the changes had financial ties to drug companies. The APA minimized the potential conflicts of interest by stating no panel member had made more than $10,000 a year working as industry speakers and consultants.

Moffitt et al. published the results of a forty-year study of individuals in New Zealand in The American Journal of Psychiatry. The study found that found 90% of adult ADHD cases did not have a history of childhood ADHD. “The findings raise the possibility that adults presenting with the ADHD symptom picture may not have a childhood-onset neurodevelopmental disorder.” The authors added that if the findings were replicated, adult ADHD’s place in the DSM should be reconsidered and that research needs to investigate the etiology of adult ADHD.

It also appears that using ADHD medication leads to addiction and abuse problems with some individuals. Some of this is simple common sense. All ADHD stimulant medications are Schedule II controlled substances, meaning that the DEA considers them to have the same addictive potential as cocaine. Yet the research literature presents conflicting accounts. Some studies report that untreated ADHD is a significant risk factor in developing substance use disorders. Others suggest there is no compelling evidence that treating children with ADHD medication leads to an increased risk of later substance use problems.

A Medscape article concluded that the bulk of evidence suggested that treating ADHD with stimulant medication did not increase the risk for developing a substance use disorder, nor did it decrease to risk. At the very end of the article this comment appeared: “This activity is supported by an independent educational grant from Shire.” The author of the article had also received grants and served as a paid consultant for Shire.

On the other hand, Peter Breggin and others have noted there is a high abuse liability with stimulant medications. A 1995 DEA report indicated there was an abundance of scientific literature on the abuse potential of Ritalin and other Schedule II stimulants. A 1998 NIH conference on the “Diagnosis and Treatment of ADHD” stated: “An extensive scientific literature spanning more than 30 years of research unequivocally indicates that MPH [Ritalin] has a high abuse liability.” A 1995 study by Nora Volkow and others found that cocaine and MPH had similar effects on the brain when given intravenously. Breggin commented in his discussion of the study in his book, The Ritalin Fact Book, that the main difference was the longer lasting effect of Ritalin. This was speculated to be why Ritalin was less subject to abuse than cocaine. Breggin said:

What does all of this mean in plain English? Ritalin’s biochemical mechanism of action is essentially the same as that of cocaine, and therefore Ritalin produces similar effects to cocaine. In fact, all of the stimulants, including Ritalin and cocaine, jack up dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine chemical messengers in the brain, producing a variety of similar mental abnormalities. If given intravenously, the “high” is the same for all of them.

A study by Schrantee et al. published in the September issue of JAMA Psychiatry found there was a distinct effect of methylphenidate (Ritalin) on the brains of children and young adults. A discussion of this study in an article on Mad in America indicated the lead researcher of the study’s team, Liesbeth Reneman, said given that maturation of several brain regions are not complete until adolescence, drugs given during the sensitive, early phases of life could effect “neurodevelopmental trajectories” and have profound effects later in life.

The adolescent brain is a rapidly developing system that maintains high levels of plasticity. As such, the brain may be particularly vulnerable to drugs that interfere with these processes or modify the specific transmitter systems involved.

The mesolimbic dopamine system (MDS), the reward pathway of the brain, is one of those later maturing brain regions. Incidentally, the MDS is probably the region of the brain where drugs produce dependence. In his book, The Science of Addiction, Carleton Erickson said neuroscientists believe that when the functioning of certain MDS neurotransmitter systems are disrupted from genetic “miswiring” and/or long-term exposure to a drug, “chemical dependence as a brain disease” can develop.

The Schrantee et al. study is the first evidence that using ADHD medications can alter brain development. So studies of the long-term consequences need to be completed. But one of the questions that should be investigated is does the long-term use of stimulant medications effect changes to the MDS of the brains of adolescents and young adults and are those changes related to a greater risk of substance abuse. Hopefully we’ll have some answers before prescription stimulant drugs compete with opioids as a national drug epidemic.